The picture featured on this post shows boxes not packed properly. We know the customer did the best they could with the time constraints we all have. But boxes should be taped both top and bottom. Then they should be labeled with a marker on the box so that we know what box to put it in.
If you find yourself getting close to moving day and just unable to get it all done, give us a call and we can schedule some packers to come out before moving day and finish up the pack. Many times it only takes us a few hours to finish up what you have already started. But since we do it everyday and you don't, it will go much quicker for us.
I see many customers get stuck here. Not knowing where to start first of all. The best way to eat an elephant? One bite at a time. So start with items you won't be using between now and moving day, such as a book shelf.
Also, try to use up the food in the home vs packing it up.
Start going through closets and getting rid of things you know need to go. Donate to a non-profit, sell on social media, recycle, post a "curb alert"
We work with a number of non-profits to donate furniture to those displaced for various reasons. It is very rewarding to watch a family start with nothing and then having beds for the whole family. It really is. We do a lot of work with Youth Build Louisville. As we collect furniture or my friends come across things, we deliver them to those in need.
The hardest part is starting. Start with one box.
If you get short of time, as we all do, give me a call and we can cross the finish line for you! Happy Packing!